MaryAnn Kimble AKA “Mimi” is the epitome of triple threat. She has performed in countless productions over the past 10 years as a singing and dancing actress, but what she finds most fulfilling is pouring her knowledge and wisdom back into young performers. As Creative Director for Inspire the Fire, she has touched many lives through the arts and hopes to one day be able to do this full time. In her words, “I love what I do! The ability to take concepts and ideas from our young professionals and make them come alive on stage is one of the most amazing feelings in the world!”. As a dedicated performer she recalls the difficulty of juggling life, work, and passion. “It can be daunting trying to be all things to all people. I work full time, have 3 amazing children (Maurice, 19, Jaida 11, Malachi, 10), one who is a college student and an awesome patient husband, Maurice, that I’ve been married to for 12 years, as well as many other affiliations (member of Dennis Reed and GAP) and obligations. So I know sacrifice, but it is all worth it!” Her motto is “only what you do for Christ will last” and she has purposed in her heart to leave a passionate imprint for the love of arts and sets out to leave her mark on not just ITF, but the world.